Julia Espinosa Fajardo

Associate Professor and Doctor of Sociology at the University of Seville. Her lines of research include gender, intersectionality, public policies and development. Specifically, her research focuses on the implementation and evaluation of policies and their potential for social change. She coordinates the Observatory of Public Policies for Equality and Gender, linked to the Ibero-American Research Network on Work, Gender and Daily Life, and is part of the group promoting the global initiative EvalGender +, promoted by the United Nations. She has directed different research and transfer projects for UNICEF, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, Oxfam Intermón and Platform 2015 and more. She has participated and participates in various national and international projects on public policy and equality. Her publications include: “Putting gender and capabilities into the equation: transformative evaluation for enhancing social justice”, in the Journal of Poverty and Social Justice (2021); “How do we evaluate the success of gender equality policies? Methodological criteria and tools” in the Spanish Journal of Political Science (2019); “Sowing and harvesting. Participatory evaluation manual” for the German Institute for the Evaluation of Development Cooperation (2021); and “Towards the implementation of intersectionality. The City Council of Madrid as a case study”, Aranzadi-Thomson Reuters (2020).