Laura Arranz
Predoctoral researcher with a FPU scholarship (Contract of the Ministry of Universities for the Training of University Personnel), at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology. She holds a degree in International Relations and a Master’s in Contemporary Latin American Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid. Her thesis addresses the irruption of the radical right in Spain and the effects it has had on the gender discourse of the traditional right. She has carried out a research visit at the ‘Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies’ at the University of Berkeley, California. She has presented papers on this work at national and international conferences such as 42nd Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) Conference, VII Congreso Uruguayo de Ciencia Política (AUCIP), VIII Congreso Internacional de Ciencia Política (AMECIP) or XV Congreso Español de Ciencia Política y de la Administración (AECPA). She is a member of the Gender and Politics Research Group (GEYPO). Her principal lines of research focus on right wing politics, the anti-feminist and anti-gender character of the radical right, gender studies and political discourse.