CCINDLE: CO-CREATING INCLUSIVE INTERSECTIONAL DEMOCRATIC SPACES ACROSS EUROPE Funding: HORIZON-CL2-2021-DEMOCRACY-01 Ref: 101061256. PI: Mieke Verloo. Emanuela Lombardo PI of WP4 and the UCM team. Research team: Alba Alonso, María Bustelo, Paloma Caravantes, MariaCaterina La Barbera. Hired postdoctoral researcher: Silvia Díaz Fernández. Duration: 48 meses (1st October 2022-30th September 2026). Total: 3.325.433,00€ (UCM: 236.750€). Web: Twitter: @CCINDLE_EU
GEPPN: GENDER EQUALITY POLICY IN PRACTICE NETWORK. Research team: Alba Alonso, Ana Ballesteros Pena, Maria Bustelo, Emanuela Lombardo, Olga Salido and Tania Verge. Web:
UNIGUAL: Equality Policies in Spanish Universities. Ref: FEM2017-86004-R Funding: State Research Agency of the Spanish Ministry of Research. PIs María Bustelo and Emanuela Lombardo. Research team: Alba Alonso, Cecilia Castaño, MariaCaterina La Barbera, Olga Salido, Rebecca Tildesley, Tània Verge. Research period: 2017-2021. Total: 36.300€ + provision of FPI scholarship. Web: Twitter: @Unigual1
UNISAFE: Ending Gender-based Violence. Grant agreement no. 101006261 Funding: European Commission H2020. Period: 2021-24. UCM PI: Maria Bustelo, UCM team members: Cecilia Castaño, Emanuela Lombardo; post-doctoral researchers: Beatriz Ranea, Lucrecia Rubio. Total UCM 209.437,5€ (Total 3.198.540€). Web:
SUPERA: Supporting the promotion of Equality in Research and Academia. Grant agreement No. 787829. Funding: European Commission H2020. PI: Maria Bustelo. Team member: Cecilia Castaño. Research period: 2018-2022. Total: 431.087,50€. Web:
DeDEMOC: De-democratisation, Gender+ Equality and the Politics of Exclusion in the European Union. Ref: 611103-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO-PROJECT. Co-ordinating Researchers: Ruth Rubio Marín, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA), Emanuela Lombardo (UCM); post-doctoral researcher: Lucrecia Rubio.
TARGET: Transnational Applied Research in Gender Equity Training. Ref: POM 2007-2068/003-001. Funding: European Commission (EU-US Atlantis Program). PI EU team: Emanuela Lombardo. Team member: María Bustelo. Research period: 2007-2009. Total: UCM 25.549€ (Total 49.925,45€).
REDE ARMELA. Consolidation Programme Aid 2020 GPC GI-2077. Ref: ED431B 2020/2023. Funding: Xunta de Galicia. PI: Alba Nogueira, team member Alba Alonso. Aid for the Consolidation of Research Groups. Duration: 3 years. Total: 90.000€.
CIVITES: The subjective dimension of citizenship: conceptions, legal praxis and individual strategies in Italy and Spain. Ref: PID2019-104706GB-I00. PI: Claudia Finotelli y MariaCaterina La Barbera; Funding entity: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Programme: R&D Projects of knowledge generation. Start date: 01/06/2020, 4 years. Number of researchers: 8. Total: 31.823€.
Igualdad en las Universidades: Equality in Universities. Employment, education. R&D ref: 4/1ACT/19; PI: MariaCaterina La Barbera. Funding entity: Institute for Women and for Equality of Opportunities. Start date: 21/10/2019, 12 months. Total: 9.472,50€.
IMPLEMAD-DH-GI: Towards the implementation of the human rights approach, gender and intersectionality in the municipal policies of Madrid. Beneficiary: Fundación Antonio de Nebrija; Funding entity: Madrid City Council. Research programme “Global Citizenship and International Cooperation 2018”. Ref: 2018-548-0421. PI: MariaCaterina La Barbera. Research team: Paloma Caravantes, Julia Espinosa, Ghufran Khir Allah. Start date: 01/02/2019, 12 months. Total: 49.161,60€. Web:
Human Rights at the Intersection of Gender and Migration. Ref: RYC-2017-23010. Beneficiary: Universidad Nebrija. PI: MariaCaterina La Barbera. Funding entity: MINECO, Research Programme Ramón y Cajal. Start date: 01/02/2019, 5 years. Total: 40.000€.
GENOVATE: Transforming organisational culture for gender equality in research and innovation. Contract number: 321378 Funding: EU VII Framework Programme for Research. European Commission: PI María Bustelo. Research team: Julia Espinosa. Duration: 4 years, January 2013-December 2016. Total: UCM 125.755,00€ (Total 2.200.332€).
EVANPOLGE: Analysis and Evaluation of Equality Policies: Gender Violence, Care and Political Representation in Spain and in Europe. Ref: FEM2012-33117. Funding: VI State Plan of R&D&I 2008-2011. PI: María Bustelo. Research team: Emanuela Lombardo, Julia Espinosa. Duration: 3 years, January 2013-December 2015. Total: 15.000€.
QUING: Quality in Gender + Equality Policies. Ref: 028545-2 Funding: VI Framework Program of the European Union. European Commission Role: PI UCM Maria Bustelo. GEYPO team members: Emanuela Lombardo, Alba Alonso. Duration: 54 months, October 2006-March 2011. Total: UCM 451.758,00€ (Total 4 million€).
Análisis de los marcos interpretativos de las políticas autonómicas de igualdad de género en España: Analysis of interpretative frames of regional gender equality policies in Spain. A comparative analysis between Andalucia, Catalonia, Madrid and the Basque Country. Ref: 65/04. Funding: Plan Nacional I+D+I. Proframme Sector- Gender and Women’s Studies (Instituto de la Mujer-MTAS) PI: María Bustelo. Research team: Emanuela Lombardo. Duration: 3 years, 6 months, January 2005-June 2008. Total: 40.245 €
MAGEEQ Policy Frames and Implementation Problems: The Case of Gender Mainstreaming. Ref: HPSE-CT-2002-00127 Funding: V Framework Program of the European Union. European Commission Role: PI: María Bustelo. Research team: Emanuela Lombardo. Duration: 3 years (January 2003-December 2005) Total: 132.600 €
Analysis of the 2018 pilot Call for 6-year knowledge transfer evaluation periods from a gender perspective. Contract Art.83. Funding: ANECA PIs María Bustelo y Olga Salido Cortés. Duration: 5 months, 21st October 2020-21st March 2021. Total: 18.089,5€
Action: International Conference “20 years of feminist training”. Ref: PAC 2019, Exp.:2019/002484. Dates: 21st and 22nd of October 2021. PI: Begoña Leyra. Financed by: Institute for Women and for Equality of Opportunities (IMIO).
Action: International Seminar “Public Health: Women’s sexual and reproductive rights in the 21st Century. Regional approaches and current debates”. Ref: PAC 2018, Exp: 2018/001363. PI: Begoña Leyra Date: 23rd October 2019. Financed by Institute for Women and for Equality of Opportunities (IMIO).
Action: International Seminar “Health and sexual and reproductive rights of women in the 21st Century: trends, impact and reproductive decisions. Ref: PAC 2017, Exp: 12/4ACT/2017. PI: Begoña Leyra. Date: 24th October 2018. Financed by: Institute for Women and for Equality of Opportunities (IMIO).
Study of girls and young women’s professional projections and labour insertion. Project Article: 83. Ref: 146/2017. PI: Begoña Leyra Date: 5th May- 20th November 2017. Financed by: PLAN INTERNATIONAL ESPAÑA.