Rebecca Tildesley

PhD in Political Science (cum laude and international recognition) with a funded ‘Researcher in training scholarship’ from Spain’s Science, Innovation and Universities Ministry, at the Political Sciences and Sociology Faculty of the Complutense University Madrid. Her thesis studies the dynamics of resistance and feminist agency in the implementation of gender equality policies in universities, centring on the case of Spain, and is supervised by the Professors Emanuela Lombardo and María Bustelo. Since 2019, she has formed part of the I+D research project UNIGUAL that has investigated the design and implementation of gender equality policies in Spanish universities, and she has been a member of the Gender and Politics (GEYPO) research group since June 2021. She has carried out a research visit at the Gender Research Centre of the Sociology, Politics and International Studies Faculty at the University of Bristol and has presented her work at numerous national and international conferences, including XI European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, 26th IPSA World Congress of Political Science and XV Congreso de AECPA. Her principal lines of research are gender equality in science, research and universities, public policy implementation, resistances and feminist agency for institutional chage and feminist institutionalist theory. She is also interested in women’s sexual and reproductive rights, having carried out work and research in this area.