Emanuela Lombardo

Full Professor of Political Science at the Complutense University of Madrid. Her lines of research are gender equality policies, especially adoption and implementation, in the European Union and Spain, and feminism and democracy. She directs the Gender and Politics research group (GEYPO ref. 970799) with María Bustelo, and is PI of a WP and the UCM team in the Horizon Europe CCINDLE project on democracy and feminism (Ref: 101061256, 2022-2026). Her latest monographs are Gender and Political Analysis (with Johanna Kantola, Palgrave, 2017) and The Symbolic Representation of Gender (with Petra Meier, Ashgate, 2014). Recent articles have been published in Policy & Politics, European Journal of Political Research, Journal of Common Market Studies, Social Politics, International Political Science Review, and Policy and Society. She has edited the special issues ‘De-democratization and opposition to gender equality politics in Europe’ (Social Politics 2021, with Johanna Kantola and Ruth Rubio), ‘Populism and Feminist Politics’ (International Political Science Review 2020, with Johanna Kantola), ‘Care policies in practice’ (Policy and Society 28, 4, 2019, with Rossella Ciccia) and ‘Policymaking from a Gender + Equality Perspective’ (Journal of Women, Politics and Policy, 38, 1, 2017, with Petra Meier and Mieke Verloo). She has directed and participated in different national and international research projects and carried out research visits at Florence Scuola Normale Superiore (IT), and the universities of Madison-Wisconsin (US), Radboud (NL), Antwerp (B), Helsinki (FI), and Aalborg (DK). She has been recognised three research ‘sexenies’ and an ‘outstanding research trayectory’ according to ANEP I3 Program. She has been a coordinator for the evaluation of gender research projects in the social sciences panel of Spain’s National Research Agency (2018-2021) and an elected member of the Board of Directors for the Spanish Political Science Association AECPA (2013-2017 and 2017-2022).