Gender and Politics Research group GEYPO
Gender and Politics (GEYPO ref. 970799) is a group that develops research, teaching and social transfer on political science from gender and intersectionality perspectives and on gender equality politics, policy and polity. Prof Emanuela Lombardo and Prof María Bustelo direct the group in the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of Madrid Complutense University. The group has been evaluated as ‘excellent’ by the State Research Agency in 2022 (98.5/100, GREV29/121-970799).

The group's research lines include: gender equality policies in both adoption and post-adoption stages (policy design, implementation and evaluation); gender mainstreaming; political intersectionality and human rights; political representation and gender; Europeanization of gender equality policies; feminist political analysis; resistances/opposition to gender equality policies; populism and feminist politics; democracy, democratic backsliding and gender equality in Europe; gender, citizenship, migration; gender based violence policies; care policies; sexuality policies; gender equality policies in science and university.

Group members include researchers at different stages of their academic trajectory, permanent staff, pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers who are motivated about doing research, teaching, and social transfer in gender and politics. Many of the researchers participate in the permanent groups Género y Política de AECPA and ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics. Members of the group have directed and participated in several European Union, international, and Spanish research projects on gender and politics, regularly publish books and articles on the issue, and direct and develop PhD theses on gender and politics. Activities of the group include the organization of periodical research seminars on gender and politics.
GEYPO’s Gender and Politics research seminars since 2013 provide a forum for the presentation and debate of research on relevant topics, open to doctoral candidates, researchers, as well as visiting researchers and guest speakers.