Olga Salido

Olga Salido is Associate Professor of Sociology and Deputy Director of the Department of Applied Sociology at the Complutense University Madrid. A Doctor in Political Science and Sociology, she has been a visiting researcher at the Wiener Center of Social Policy at Harvard University and the Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality of Stanford University, amongst others. Her main lines of research are the study of mobility and social stratification, as well as the analysis of social policies and the labor market from a gender perspective. She has edited the monographs ´Sociology in Times of Pandemic’ (Marcial Pons, 2021, with M.Massó), and ‘Perspectives and Borders in the Study of Social Inequality: Social Mobility and Social Classes in Times of Change’ (Sociological Research Center, 2020, with S. Fachelli). She is author of the report “Analysis of the Pilot Call for the 2018 Transfer and Innovation Administration from a Gender Perspective” (ANECA, 2021, with M. Bustelo). Her most recent journal articles include: “The minimum vital income: A gender perspective” (Revista Española de Sociología, 30, 2, 2021), “On the squeezing of the middle class: Overview and prospects for the EU15” (European Review. 2, 2020, with J. Carabaña) and “An increasingly squeezed middle class? Changing income distributions and inequality in the EU15 through the last economic cycle” (Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 3, 2019, with J. Carabaña). She is a collaborator with Intermón-Oxfam, the LaCaixa Foundation, FUNCAS and the Alternativas Foundation and actively participates in the analysis and dissemination of data around the social and gender impact of the Great Recession and, more recently, of the COVID-19 crisis, in the countries of Southern Europe. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Federation of Sociology (2018-) and of the RN27 of the European Sociological Association (2019-). She has also been an associate collaborator in the Social Sciences area of the State Research Agency (2016-18).