Alba Alonso

Alba Alonso is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her main lines of research address the implementation of equality policies, the analysis of federalism and territorial dynamics from a gender perspective, and opposition to equality, with particular emphasis on the role of the radical right. She has been part of multiple national and international research teams, among which the European project QUING (Quality in Gender + Equality Policies) and various comparative studies carried out by the European Institute for Gender Equality of the European Commission stand out. She has enjoyed pre-doctoral and post-doctoral contracts funded by the Xunta de Galicia that have allowed her to carry out research stays at the University of Edinburgh, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Washington State University. She has published in journals such as Gender & Politics, Politics and Governance, European Journal of Women’s Studies, Social Politics and European Political Science, and in collective works such as Handbook on Gender, Diversity and Federalism edited by Jill Vickers, Joan Grace and Cheryl Collier (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020). She is the author of the monograph ‘Gender mainstreaming in Spain’ (Tirant lo Blanch, 2015) and co-editor of ‘Political Science with Gender Perspective’ (Akal, 2014).