Hybrid workshop: Equality and Democracy in Europe: Gendering the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE)

This hybrid workshop brings together scholars to assess the opportunities and challenges involved in advancing equality and democracy in Europe through the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE).
Location: Scuola Normale Superiore Florence, Altana room, Palazzo Strozzi, Piazza Strozzi, Florence.
Time: 14 October 2022, 9.30-13.30
The CoFoE potentially represents a constitutional moment of democratization of EU institutions and politics. It opens questions about opportunities for equality and inclusion, in terms of participation and representation in the processes but also in terms of tackling existing inequalities. The process has involved political struggles for power but also around equality and democracy between the different actors involved, which raises questions about whose knowledge matters and is integrated to the outcomes. Overall, there is an acute need to assess the extent to which the CoFoE and its outcomes have been inclusive in relation to gender and other equalities. The workshop will take place in Florence at the Altana Conference Hall, Palazzo Strozzi with the collaboration of the Scuola Normale Florence.
9.30 Opening: Gabriele Abels (University of Tübingen), Johanna Kantola (Tampere University) and Emanuela Lombardo (Complutense University Madrid)
9.45-11.30 SESSION 1: Contextualising the Conference on the Future of Europe
Alberto Alemanno (HEC Paris): Contextualising the Conference on the Future of Europe
Alvaro Oleart (University of Maastricht): Citizen Participation without democratisation in the EU: Disintermediation and depoliticisation in the Conference on the Future of Europe
Ulrike Liebert (University of Bremen): Revisiting the case for gender parity based representation: the Conference on the Future of Europe, promises, practices, propositions
Ruth Rubio (University of Seville): Women and constitution making: Past challenges and contemporary attempts
Kalypso Nicolaïdis (European University Institute, Florence): Discussant’s comments
11.30-12 Coffee break (Odeon bistrot)
12.00-13.30 SESSION 2: Gendering the Conference on the Future of Europe
Gabriele Abels (University of Tübingen): How to gender CoFE? Conceptual issues and challenges
Johanna Kantola (Tampere University) and Emanuela Lombardo (Complutense University Madrid): Promoting Equality and Democracy in the Conference on the Future of Europe in a context of anti-gender backlash
Victoire Olczak (Gender 5+, Brussels): Gender equality and the future of Europe
Kathrin Zippel (Free University Berlin): Discussant’s comments
Welcome to our workshop, which will take place both in person and online! To register please email: gabriele.abels@uni-tuebingen.de, johanna.kantola@tuni.fi elombard@ucm.es Deadline for registrations 11 October 2022.