Call for paper ‘Gender Inequalities in Academic Work’

Call for paper ‘Gender Inequalities in Academic Work’
Check the journal’s web for the full information here:
This call for papers for Sociologia del Lavoro/Sociology of Work (journal indexed in Scopus) is seeking original theoretical and/or empirical, quantitative and/or qualitative contributions, in English, that will broaden and deepen our understanding of gender inequalities in university careers, and of gender policies to address such inequalities. Possible studies might cover any of the following topics, or ones related to them:
- Mechanisms and processes which may account for the production and re-production of gender inequalities in academia;
- Similarities and differences in career paths in STEM and SSH disciplines;
- Gender differences at the individual level in terms of aspirations, motivations, constraints and strategies in entering, pursuing or quitting an academic career;
- Practices and processes concerning recruitment, retention and promotion within academic institutions (i.e. departments, councils, committees at the national or local level);
- The implementation and impact of gender equality policies in universities;
- The role of organizational practices and governance models in gender inequalities, also in light of recent changes and the affirmation of the neo-liberal agenda;
- Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on gender inequalities in academia, also considering possible differences among disciplinary fields and the precarious conditions of those working in universities;
- The impact of labour policies, welfare regimes and university assets on gender imbalances within the academic world.
Article proposals in English should be uploaded to the publisher’s OJS platform, following the guidelines on the journal’s web page: by no later than September 15, 2023.
Authors should follow the instructions to upload complete articles. Articles must not exceed 8,000 words and must adhere to the journal’s style and editorial standards:
Any article that does not comply with the word limit or the style and editorial standards will not be accepted. Correctly formatted articles submitted via the journal’s online platform shall be subject to a double-blind peer review process.