
Lucrecia Rubio Grundell (2023) Security Meets Gender Equality in the EU: The Politics of Trafficking in Women for Sexual Exploitation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Alonso, Alba y Marta Lois (2022) Género y Política. Nuevas líneas de análisis ante la cuarta ola feminista. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch

Khir-Allah, Ghufran (2021) Framing Hijab in the European Mind. Press Discourse, Social Categorization and Stereotypes. Springer.

La Barbera, MariaCaterina, Julia Espinosa-Fajardo, Paloma Caravantes González, Sonia Boulos, Ghufran KhirAllah, Laura Cassain & Leticia Segura Ordaz (2020). Hacia la implementación de la interseccionalidad: El Ayuntamiento de Madrid como caso de estudio [Towards the implementation of intersectionality: Madrid City Council as a case study]. Madrid: Aranzadi.

Lavizzari, Anna (2020). Protesting Gender: The LGBTIQ Movement and its Opponents in Italy. Abingdon: Routledge

Velasco, Juan Carlos & MariaCaterina La Barbera (eds.) (2019). Challenging the Borders of Justice in the Age of Migrations. Dordrecht: Springer.

Espinosa Fajardo, Julia (2018). Guía de género para políticas públicas más transformadoras. Intermón Oxfam. Barcelona

Pajarín, Marta, Ana Pérez, & Begoña Leyra (eds.) (2018). Experiencias de empoderamiento como estrategia de desarrollo para la igualdad [Experiences of empowerment as a strategy for equality]. Serie Género y Desarrollo, 1. Madrid: Centro Superior de Estudios de Gestión. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Kantola, Johanna & Emanuela Lombardo (2017). Gender and Political Analysis. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Kantola, Johanna & Emanuela Lombardo (eds) (2017). Gender and the Economic Crisis in Europe. Politics, Institutions and Intersectionality. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Bustelo, María, Lucy Ferguson & Maxime Forest (eds) (2016). The Politics of Feminist Knowledge Transfer: Gender Training and Gender Expertise. Basingtoke: Palgrave.

La Barbera, MariaCaterina & Marta Cruells (eds.) (2016). Igualdad y no discriminación en España: evolución, problemas y perspectivas [Equality and non-discrimination in Spain: Evolution, problems and perspectives]. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales.

Pajarín, Marta & Begoña Leyra (eds.) (2016). Cuadernos de Género 4: Economía, género y desarrollo: enfoques e iniciativas hacia la igualdad. Madrid: Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales.

Alonso, Alba (2015). El mainstreaming de género en España [Gender mainstreaming in Spain]. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Walby, Sylvia, Philippa Olive, Jude Towers, Brian Francis, Sofia Strid, Andrea Krizsán, Emanuela Lombardo, Corinne May-Chahal, Suzanne Franzway, David Sugarman, Bina Agarwal & Jo Armstrong (2015). Stopping rape. Towards a comprehensive policy. Bristol: Policy Press.

Lombardo, Emanuela y Petra Meier (2014). The Symbolic Representation of Gender: A Discursive Approach. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Lombardo, Emanuela y Maxime Forest (eds) (2012). The Europeanization of Gender Equality Policies. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Lombardo, Emanuela, Petra Meier & Mieke Verloo (eds) (2009). The Discursive Politics of Gender Equality: Stretching, Bending and Policymaking. London: Routledge.

Bustelo, María & Emanuela Lombardo (eds) (2007). Políticas de igualdad en España y en Europa [Equality Policies in Spain and Europe]. Madrid: Editorial Cátedra.
ARTÍCULOS (últimos 8 años)
Ballesteros-Pena, Ana & Bustelo, María (2024), Gender Equality Policies “Confined”: Adopted Frames in the Prison System in Spain, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 2024;, jxae018,
Bustelo, María, & Salido, Olga (2024) Gender biases in the evaluation of knowledge transfer: A meta-evaluative analysis of the Spanish “Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Sexennium”. Evaluation and Program Planning, Volume 104: 102432. DOI:
Caravantes, Paloma & Emanuela Lombardo (2024) Feminist democratic innovations in policy and politics. Policy & Politics Open Access
Caravantes, Paloma, Arantxa Elizondo & Emanuela Lombardo (2024) Gendering democracy: feminist parliamentary responses to opposition against gender equality, Journal of Gender Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2024.2427200
Catalano Weeks, Ana, Paloma Caravantes, Ana Espírito-Santo, Emanuela Lombardo, Maria Stratigaki & Sami Gul (2024) When is gender on party agendas? Manifestos and (De-) democratisation in Greece, Portugal, and Spain South European Society and Politics DOI: 10.1080/13608746.2024.2412746
Kantola, Johanna & Emanuela Lombardo (2024) Feminist institutional responses to anti-gender politics in parliamentary contexts, International Feminist Journal of Politics, DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2024.2366478
Lavizzari, Anna (2024) The anti-gender movement and the populist radical right in Italy: a symbiotic relationship. European Journal of Politics and Gender (published online ahead of print 2024)
Lombardo, E. (2024) Anti-gender regimes, feminist politics and the challenge of societal democratization. Mobilization: An International Quarterly 29(4): 469-486
Lombardo, Emanuela, Manuela Naldini & Barbara Poggio (2024) Special Issue Eds & Introduction Gender Inequalities in Academia: Multiple Approaches to Closing the Gap. Sociologia del Lavoro 168/2024. Open access. DOI: 10.3280/SL2024-168001
Lombardo, Emanuela & Paloma Caravantes (2024) Co-creating Inclusive Intersectional Democratic Spaces across Europe (CCINDLE): Counteracting Anti-gender through Feminist Knowledge. SI Pandemonium. WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly, Volume 52 (1 & 2): 145-156 DOI:
Pilinkaite Sotirovic, Vilana, Anke Lipinsky, Katarzyna Struzińska, & Beatriz Ranea-Triviño (2024) "You Can Knock on the Doors and Windows of the University, but Nobody Will Care: How Universities Benefit from Network Silence around Gender-Based Violence" Social Sciences 13, no. 4: 199.
Rubio Grundell, Lucrecia. (2024) Queer theory, sex work and the European Union: on the constitutive exclusion of sex work from the European Union’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexual policies. European Journal of Politics and Gender, Open Access
Rubio Grundell, Lucrecia (2024) Regulating surrogacy across Western Europe: A usual case of (gendered) morality politics?. Comparative European Politics, 1-24.
Sältenberg, Hansalbin, Silvia Díaz Fernández & Paloma Caravantes (2024) Two Gender–Equal Nations? Anti-Gender Re-Configurations of National Belonging in Sweden and Spain NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
Tildesley, Rebecca & María Bustelo (2024) Tensions, Challenges, and Opportunities: Internal Networks Supporting Gender Equality Policy Processes and Structural Change in Universities, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society
Alonso, Alba, Rossella Ciccia & Emanuela Lombardo (2023) A Southern European model? Gender regime change in Italy and Spain, Women's Studies International Forum 98 open access
Ballesteros-Pena, A., Bustelo, M. & Mazur, A.G. (2023) Theorizing the Penal State: The Darkside of Gender Regimes in the Case of Spain. Women’s Studies International Forum 99 (2023) 102743. open access 2023.
Ballesteros-Pena, Ana & Bustelo, María (2023) Gender equality in prison reform in Spain: how a gender-biased, closed policy system prevents real change, European Journal of Politics and Gender 6(1): 23-39
Bustelo, María (2023) Resilience and gender-structural change in universities: How bottom-up approaches can leverage transformation when top-level management support fails, Sociologica 17(2): 17–36.
Bustelo, María & Mazur, Amy (2023) The practice of ideas in gender equality policy: comparative lessons from the field, Journal of Politics and Gender 6(1): 3-22 Open access
Caravantes, Paloma & Emanuela Lombardo (2023) The symbolic representation of the ‘People’ and the ‘Homeland’ in Spanish left populism: an opportunity for feminist politics? Journal of Contemporary European Studies 31:3, 902-915, DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2022.2090322
Diaz-Fernandez, Silvia & García-Mingo, Elisa (2023) Mapping Research on Online Misogyny and Manosphere in Spain: The Way Ahead, Masculinities and Social Change, Online first,
Lavizzari, Anna & Andrea L.P. Pirro (2023) The gender politics of populist parties in Southern Europe, West European Politics,
Tildesley, Rebecca, MariaCaterina La Barbera, & Emanuela Lombardo (2023) ““What Use is the Legislation to Me?” Contestations Around the Meanings of Gender Equality in Legislation and Its Strategic Use to Drive Structural Change in University Organizations.” Gender, Work & Organization: 1–18.
Alonso Álvarez, Alba & Diz Otero, Isabel (2022) ¿Nadando contra corriente? Resistencias a la promoción de la conciliación en las universidades españolas, Revista Internacional de Sociología
García Mingo, Elisa, & Silvia Díaz Fernández (2022) Wounded men of feminism: Exploring regimes of male victimhood in the Spanish manosphere. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 0(0).
Khir-Allah, Ghufran & Cecilia Eseverri-Mayer (2022) Controlling civic engagement of youth spanish muslims. Single representation, generational gap, and gender activism Contemporary Islam open access
La Barbera, Espinosa-Fajardo & Caravantes (2022) Implementing Intersectionality in Public Policies: Key Factors in the Madrid City Council, Spain, Politics & Gender
Rubio Grundell, Lucrecia (2022) The Rise of Neo-Abolitionism in Europe: Exploring the role of the Neoliberalism-Vulnerability-Security Nexus in the Prostitution Policies of the UK, Spain, France and Ireland. Social politics,29(3): 1034-1056
Lavizzari, Anna & Portos, Martín (2022) Urban Rebels? A Gendered Approach to Domicile and Protest Participation in Nine European Countries, Sociology
Lavizzari, Anna & Siročić, Zorica (2022) Contentious Gendered Politics in Italy and Croatia: Diffusion of Transnational Anti-Gender Movements to National Contexts, Social Movement Studies
Lombardo, Emanuela & Petra Meier (2022) Challenging boundaries to expand frontiers in gender and policy studies, Policy & Politics, 50(1): 99-115(17), DOI: 10.1332/030557321X16309516650101
Tildesley, Rebecca, Emanuela Lombardo & Tània, Verge (2022) Power Struggles in the Implementation of Gender Equality Policies: The Politics of Resistance and Counter-resistance in Universities. Politics & Gender 18(4): 879-910. Open access doi:10.1017/S1743923X21000167
Ahrens, Petra, Silvia Erzeel, Elizabeth Evans, Johanna Kantola, Roman Kuhar & Emanuela Lombardo (2021). Gender and politics research in Europe: towards a consolidation of a flourishing political science subfield? European Political Science. Open access, DOI:
Alonso, Alba & Julia Espinosa-Fajardo (2021) Blitzkrieg Against Democracy: Gender Equality and the Rise of the Populist Radical Right in Spain. Social Politics 28(3): 656-681.
Del Moral-Espín, Lucía y Espinosa-Fajardo, Julia (2021) Putting gender and capabilities into the equation. Transformative evaluation for enhancing social justice Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 29(3): 279-296.
Kantola, Johanna & Emanuela Lombardo (2021) Challenges to democratic practices and discourses in the European Parliament: Feminist perspectives on the politics of political groups. Social Politics 28(3): 579-602, Special issue: De-democratization and opposition to gender equality politics in Europe. DOI:
Lombardo, Emanuela, Johanna Kantola, & Ruth Rubio (eds) (2021) De-democratization and opposition to gender equality politics in Europe, Introduction of the special issue, Social Politics 28(3).
Lombardo, Emanuela & María Bustelo (2021) Sexual and sexist harassment in Spanish universities: policy implementation and resistances against gender equality measures. Journal of Gender Studies 31(1): 8-22 Open access, DOI:
Mariani, Giulia & Verge, Tània (2021) Discursive Strategies and Sequenced Institutional Change: The Case of Marriage Equality in the United States Political Studies
Pastor, Raquel & Tània Verge (2021) The symbolic representation of women’s political firsts in editorial cartoons, Feminist Media Studies. DOI:
Rubio Grundell, Lucrecia (2021) The EU’s approach to prostitution: Explaining the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the EP’s neo-abolitionist turn. European Journal of Women's Studies, 28 (4): 425-439,
Verge, Tània (2021) Gender equality policy and universities: Feminist strategic alliances to re-gender the curriculum. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. Epub. June 2. Open access, DOI:10.1080/1554477X.2021.1904763
Verge, Tània (2021) Resistencia a las políticas de igualdad y contra-resistencia feminista: Un análisis discursivo del ámbito universitario [Resistance to gender equality policy and feminist counter-resistance: A discursive analisis in the university ambit]. Discurso & Sociedad 15(3).
Verge, Tània (2021) Evoking Equality: The Gender Sensitivity of Parliaments through their Symbolic Function Political Studies
Alonso, Alba (2020) Galicia in Dolors Canals (ed), La evaluación de impacto normativo por razón de género. Su aplicación efectiva en las instituciones europeas y en España [The gender impact assessment: Effective application in European institutions and in Spain]. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales.
Caravantes, Paloma (2020) Tensions between populist and feminist politics: The case of the Spanish left populist party Podemos. International Political Science Review. Open access, DOI:
Erikson, Josefina & Tània Verge (2020) Gender, Power and Privilege in the Parliamentary Workplace, Parliamentary Affairs. DOI:
Foret, François & Lucrecia Rubio Grundell (2020) European Morality Politics in the EU: The Case of Prostitution. Sexuality & Culture. Open access, DOI:
Kantola, Johanna & Emanuela Lombardo (2020). Strategies of right populists in opposing gender equality in a polarized European Parliament. International Political Science Review, Populism and Feminist Politics Monograph. Open access, DOI:
Kantola, Johanna & Emanuela Lombardo (2020) Introduction to the Special Issue: Populism and Feminist Politics, International Political Science Review. Open access, DOI:
La Barbera, MariaCaterina (2020) Vivir entre fronteras: vulnerabilidad y transformación de la identidad en la era de la globalización [Living between borders: vulnerability and transformation of identity in the era of globalization]. Bajo Palabra, 23, 261-286. DOI:
La Barbera, MariaCaterina & Isabel Wences Simón (2020) La “discriminación de género” en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos [“Gender discrimination” in the jurisprudence of the Inter-american Court of Human Rights]. Andamios: Revista de Investigación Social, 17(42), 59- 87. Open access, DOI:
Lombardo, Emanuela & Alba Alonso (2020). Gender regime change in decentralized states: The case of Spain. Special issue: Theorizing changes in gender regimes and gendered institutions, Sylvia Walby & Karen Shire (eds.). Social Politics, 27(3), 449–466. Open access, DOI:
Minto, Rachel, Mergaert, Lut & Bustelo, María (2020) Policy evaluation and gender mainstreaming in the European Union: the perfect (mis)match? European Journal of Politics and Gender, 3(2), 277–294. DOI:
Verge, Tània & Benito, Eva (2020) Gendering higher education quality assurance: a matter of (e)quality. Quality in Higher Education. DOI:
Verge, Tània (2020) Too Few, Too Little: Parliaments’ Response to Sexism and Sexual Harassment, Parliamentary Affairs. DOI:
Verge, Tàni (2020) A Chamber of One's Own: Institutional Claim-Making on Gender Equality and the Symbolic Role of Parliaments. Politics & Gender, 1-31. DOI:
Alonso, Alba (2019) ¿Por las mujeres con las mujeres? Políticas de género participativas en el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona [For women with the women? Participatory gender policies in the Barcelona Council]. Política y Sociedad, 56(2), 473-493. DOI:
Caravantes, Paloma (2019). New vs. Old Politics in Podemos: Feminization and Masculinized Party Culture. Men and Masculinities, 22(3), 465-490. DOI:
Ciccia, Rossella & Lombardo, Emanuela (2019) Care policies in practice: how discourse matters for policy implementation. Policy & Society, 38(4), 537-553. Open access, DOI:
Espinosa Fajardo, Julia María & Bustelo Ruesta, María (2019) ¿Cómo evaluamos el éxito de las políticas de igualdad de género? Criterios y herramientas metodológicas. Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 49, 151-172. DOI:
Kantola, Johanna & Emanuela Lombardo (2019) Populism and Feminist Politics: the Cases of Finland and Spain. European Journal of Political Research, 58(4), 1108-1128. Open access, DOI:
La Barbera, MariaCaterina (2019) La vulnerabilidad como categoría en construcción en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos: límites y potencialidad [Vulnerability as a category in construction in the jurisprudence of the European Tribunal of Human Rights]. Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 62, 235-257. Open access, DOI:10.18042/cepc/rdce.62.07
La Barbera, MariaCaterina & Marta Cruells López (2019) Towards the Implementation of Intersectionality in the European Multilevel Legal Praxis: B. S. v Spain. Law & Society Review, 53(4), 1167-1201. Open access, DOI: 10.1111/lasr.12435
La Barbera, MariaCaterina & Emanuela Lombardo (2019) Towards equal sharing of care? Judicial implementation of EU equal employment and work–life balance policies in Spain. Policy & Society, 38(4), 626-642. Open access, DOI:
La Barbera, MariaCaterina y Emanuela Lombardo (2019) The Long and Winding Road: A Comparative Policy Analysis of Multilevel Judicial Implementation of Work‒Life Balance in Spain. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 21(1), 9-24. Open access, DOI:
Lombardo, Emanuela & Johanna Kantola (2019) European Integration and Disintegration: Feminist Perspectives on Inequalities and Social Justice. Journal of Common Market Studies, 57, 62-76. DOI:
Verge, Tània & Alba Alonso (2019) La ceguera de género en el currículum de la Ciencia Política y su impacto en el alumnado [Gender blindness in the Political Science curricula and its impact on students]. Revista Internacional de Sociología, 3. DOI:
Verge, Tània & Emanuela Lombardo (2019) The contentious politics of policy failure: The case of corporate board gender quotas in Spain. Public Policy and Administration. DOI:
Verge, Tània & Wiesehomeier Nina (2019) Parties, Candidates, and Gendered Political Recruitment in Closed-List Proportional Representation Systems: The Case of Spain. Political Research Quarterly, 72(4), 805-820. DOI:
Alonso, Alba (2018) Thriving or Dividing? The women's movement and the independence referendums in Scotland and Catalonia. Politics & Gender, 14 , 460–482.
Alonso, Alba y Emanuela Lombardo (2018). "Gender equality and de- democratization processes: The case of Spain", Politics and Governance, Special Issue 'Understanding the trouble with the feminist project in contemporary Europe' (eds) Mieke Verloo y David Paternotte, 14, 460–482. DOI:
Cecilia Castaño, Susana Vázquez,-Cupeiro, José Luís Martínez-Cantos (2018) “Gendered Managements in Spanish Universities: functional segregation among vice-rectors” Gender And Education. 31(8): 966-985.
Finotelli, Claudia, MariaCaterina La Barbera & Gabriel Echevarría (2018) Beyond Instrumental Citizenship: The Spanish and Italian Citizenship Regimes in Times of Crisis. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(14), 2320-2339. DOI:
Leyra, Begoña & Carballo, Marta (2018) Presentación del monográfico: Movilidad humana. Realidades y desafíos para el Trabajo Social [Presentation of the Monograph: Human Mobility. Realities and Challenges for Social Work]. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 31(1), 15-19. DOI:
Lombardo, Emanuela & Petra Meier (2018) Good Symbolic Representation: the Relevance of Inclusion. PS-Political Science & Politics, 51(2), 327-330. DOI: 10.1017/S1049096517002451
Voltarelli, Marcia Aparecida, Lourdes Gaitán & Begoña Leyra (2018). La sociología de la infancia y Bourdieu: diálogos sobre el campo en los países hispano-hablantes [The sociology of childhood and Bourdieu: dialogues around the countryside in Spanish-speaking countries]. Política y Sociedad, 55(1), 283-309. DOI:
Alonso, Alba & Catarina Arnaut (2017) Democratizing intersectionality? Participatory structures and equality policies in Portugal. Revista de Investigaciones Feministas, 8(1), 165-181.
Alonso, Alba & Natalia Paleo (2017) Políticas de salud sexual y reproductiva en España: Contra-movimientos y marcos interpretativos en conflicto [Sexual and reproductive health policies in Spain: Counter-movements and interpretive frameworks in conflict]. Revista Española de Sociología, 26(3), 59-76.
Bustelo, María (2017) Evaluation from a Gender+ Perspective as a Key Element for (Re)gendering the Policymaking Process. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, 38(1), 84-101, DOI:
Bustelo Ruesta, María (2017) Evaluación con perspectiva de género: una evaluación de mayor calidad, alcance y rigor [Evaluation from a gender perspective: an evaluation of greater quality, scope and rigor]. Tiempo de Paz, 124, 51-57
Espírito-Santo, Ana & Tània Verge (2017) The elusive measurement of symbolic effects on citizens’ political attitudes: survey experiments as alternative avenues. Politics, Groups, and Identities, 5(3), 494-499. DOI:
Finotelli, Claudia & MariaCaterina La Barbera (2017). Naturalizaciones en España: normativa, datos y tendencias. [Naturalizations in Spain: regulations, data and trends]. Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración, 254-274.
Jociles, Mª Isabel & Begoña Leyra (2017) Comunidades virtuales creadas en torno a la donación reproductiva: ¿“simulacros del contacto humano”? [Virtual communities created around reproductive donation: "simulations of human contact"]. Cuadernos de antropología social. Revista de la Sección de Antropología Social del Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 45, 51-69.
Kantola, Johanna & Emanuela Lombardo (2017) Feminist political analysis: exploring strengths, hegemonies, and limitations. Feminist Theory, 18(3), 323-341.
La Barbera, MariaCaterina (2017) Ban without Prosecution, Conviction without Punishment, and Circumcision without Cutting: A Critical Appraisal of Anti-FGM Laws in Europe. Global Jurist, 17(2).
La Barbera, MariaCaterina (2017) La interseccionalidad y sus viajes: de las teorías feministas contrahegemonicas al derecho de la democracia europea multinivel [Intersectionality and its journeys: from counterhegemonic feminist theories to law of European multilevel democracy] Investigaciones Feministas, 8(1), 133-151. Open access, DOI:
Lombardo, Emanuela (2017) The Spanish Gender Regime in the EU Context: Changes and Struggles in Times of Austerity. Gender, Work and Organization, 24(1), 20-33. DOI:
Lombardo, Emanuela, Petra Meier & Mieke Verloo (2017) Special Issue: ‘Policymaking from a gender+ equality perspective’. Journal of Women, Politics and Policy, 38(1), 1-19. Open access, DOI:
Lombardo, Emanuela & Tània Verge (2017) Cuotas de género en política y economía. Regulación y configuración institucional en España [Gender Quotas in Politics and Corporate Boards: Regulation and Institutional Configuration in Spain] Política y Gobierno, 24(2), 301-331.
Meier, Petra & Tània Verge (2017) Conceptual and methodological challenges in the study of symbolic representation – an introduction. Politics, Groups, and Identities, 5(3), 478-481. DOI:
Rubio Grundell, Lucrecia (2017) Repensar la relación entre seguridad y ciudadanía: La regulación de la trata de mujeres con fines de explotación sexual como caso [Rethinking the relationship between security and citizenship: The regulation of trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation as a case]. Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, 35, 53-78.
Rubio Grundell, Lucrecia & Xira Ruiz Campillo (2017) Entrevista a la Red Equo Mujeres [Interviews with the Equo Network Women]. Relaciones Internacionales, 34, 89-94.
Rausky, Mª Eugenia & Begoña Leyra (2017) Estudios socio-antropológicos con niños y niñas trabajadores. Una apuesta reflexiva sobre dos experiencias en América Latina: México y Argentina [Socio-anthropological studies with working children. A reflective bet on two experiences in Latin America: Mexico and Argentina]. Papeles de trabajo - Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Etnolingüística y Antropología Socio-Cultural, 33, 53-63.
Sandström, Ulf & de Cheveigné, Suzanne & Knoll, Bente & Bustelo, María & Engebretsen, Eivind (2017) Interim Evaluation: Gender equality as a crosscutting issue in Horizon 2020. European Commission. DOI:
Simón, Pablo & Tània Verge (2017) Gender Quotas and Political Representation in Spain and Portugal: Electoral Competition, Learning and Emulation. South European Society and Politics, 22(2), 179-195. DOI: