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Rebecca Tildesley (UCM) «Tensions and contradictions: the role of internal networks for gender equality policy implementation and structural change in universities» y María Bustelo, Lorena Pajares, Beatriz Ranea-Triviño (UCM), «A Case Study Methodology for Analysing the Implementation of Institutional Responses to Gender Based Violence in Universities and Research Organisations».

20 junio 2023 @ 11:30 - 14:00


Os invitamos al próximo seminario del grupo de Género y Política GEYPO.

En esta ocasión se presentarán dos papers: 1) Rebecca Tildesley (UCM) «Tensions and contradictions: the role of internal networks for gender equality policy implementation and structural change in universities» y 2) María Bustelo, Lorena Pajares, Beatriz Ranea-Triviño (UCM), «A Case Study Methodology for Analysing the Implementation of Institutional Responses to Gender Based Violence in Universities and Research Organisations».

¡Esperamos veros el 20 de junio de 11.30h a 13.30h en la Sala de profesorado (Sala Juan Linz) de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UCM, tercera planta y online!

We invite you to the next seminar of the GEYPO Gender and Politics group.

This time we have two papers: 1) Rebecca Tildesley (UCM) «Tensions and contradictions: the role of internal networks for gender equality policy implementation and structural change in universities» and 2) María Bustelo, Lorena Pajares, Beatriz Ranea-Triviño (UCM), «A Case Study Methodology for Analysing the Implementation of Institutional Responses to Gender Based Violence in Universities and Research Organisations»

We look forward to seeing you on 20 June at 11.30h in the Faculty Room of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UCM (Sala Juan Linz), third floor (online option)!



20 junio 2023
11:30 - 14:00
Categoría del Evento:


Facultad de CC. Políticas y Sociología UCM
Campus de Somosaguas
Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid 28223 España
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